Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I don't speak Army....


Yet, but I'm trying! I'm starting to get the hang of it I think. Case in point, the new update about Sgt.'s leave is that he's on standby. He described it to me as "they have no problem letting me go if they get the dates that they've gotten every other month so I should know more on XX date"

I suppose that makes sense to me... sounds mostly like a waiting game (isn't everything in the Army?). A waiting game with an optimistic outlook? Eh... I don't know about optimism, I think I left that behind 12 months ago. I live more by a "hope for the best, expect the worse" mantra. I don't think that's pessimistic but rather realistic in this situation. So I suppose my question is have any of you experienced some kind of "standby" issue and if so... how'd it turn out? I'm still learning my way through this whole deployment/military lingo, I'm not completely ignorant to it, and I try as much as I can to get the information I can but sometimes you have to go to an outside source :). He sounds hopeful. I think he's about ready to come home... he absolutely loves what he does but he hasn't been back home in over a year, and I think he's starting to willingly admit to himself that he misses it.

We talked through e-mail on Monday, mostly about work :). Both of our jobs though so it was nice... one of those "what do you think about making this your life's work?" conversations. I'm a little more indecisive than he is so I was using the "it really all depends on so many different things" shield - which is as about as honest as it gets in my case. He's a lifer. He said he can't really see being happy in any other job and that the Army just offers too many options. I'm so proud of him :). Plain and simple, I can't really find other words other than I'm really really proud of him!! I know how happy it makes him, albeit stressed and exhausted, he loves it and that's really all that matters to me.

I really hope we find out SOMETHING about this leave situation... even if it's that it's not gana happen... I want a countdown again. I don't like this limbo feeling. I guess no matter what it's one day closer... one day closer to whatever day it is.



Learning the army lingo is such a pain, but even more of a pain is learning the way of life and the new way of thinking. Sounds like you have it covered though :)

Hopefully you find out something soon!!!


Get used to "stand by"! lol Everything in the military is on stand by it seems. We've almost never had anything go to plan. Just this week my husbands planned TDY was rescheduled and extended- only 1 day before he was supposed to leave. What else is new? ;)

I hope you hear some news soon though. I know it's difficult not having a plan. (Been there, done that. And I still hate it every time.) The can't keep him forever! And sometimes it's even more fun NOT knowing believe it or not. *J* totally surprised me when he came back from Iraq. I didn't even know he was on his way home- he just showed up at the front door. It was the best surprise EVER!